Phoenix Group has evolved significantly through years of mergers and acquisitions, leading to employees having diverse journeys into the organisation. Many colleagues were unaware that Phoenix Group operates under a single employer brand, with all employees united under one purpose.
Our Role
- Brand
- Employee Engagement
- Moving Image
Communicate Phoenix Group’s strategy and purpose to colleagues in clear, digestible bites, enhancing engagement, fostering pride and advocacy, and helping them connect their individual roles to the Group’s broader mission. Ultimately, the aim was to create a stronger sense of belonging and pride in the Group’s work on behalf of its customers, employees, and the communities it serves.

Phoenix Group provided initial content for each film, which we transformed into succinct scripts for animations of 90 seconds to 2 minutes. The animations aimed to create an "aha" moment for colleagues, helping them clearly understand how different elements of the Group fit together and instilling a sense of pride in being part of a purpose-driven organisation.

Success for both Phoenix Group and Emperor is defined by colleagues feeling proud to advocate for the Phoenix brand. This was measured using Peak (eNPS) and through engagement metrics on Glassdoor and LinkedIn. Additionally, success was measured by increased understanding of Phoenix’s purpose, strategy, and values, as well as how employees’ work aligns with the Group’s goals. Peakon’s ‘strategy’ and 'meaningful work’ scores, along with communication reach metrics such as open rates, click-throughs, and attendance, provided quantifiable measures of the impact.